Several days ago, I read through the facts from the websites and there were many weird and amazing facts which I found very interesting and worth knowing, therefore, I want to share them with you. These facts below are what I believe to be interesting and strange that many of you might not think it is true:
1. Dalmatians are born without spots.
2. Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.
3. When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
4. Human hair and fingernails continue to grow after death.
5. It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.
6. Large kangaroos cover more than 30 feet with each jump.
7. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
8. Male seahorses can get pregnant
9. The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees
10. The tongue is the only body muscle that is attached from one end only.
11. The shrimp's heart is in its head
12. If you plug your nose you can't hum.
13. Natural pearls melt in vinegar
14. Ants never sleep
15. If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white
16. The world record for time without sleep is 264 hours ( ~11 days) by Randy Gardner in 1965
17. Butterflies smell with their feet
18. The oldest dog died at the age of 29
19. You will weigh less if you weigh yourself when the moon is full
20. Earthworms have five hearts
21. The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off.
22. The average person can live 11 days without water.
23. Coca-Cola was originally green.
24. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
25. A cockroach will live nine days without its head, before it starves to death.